Getting A Divorce While Protecting The Children: 3 Clauses To Add In The Divorce Decree

Getting a divorce is more often than not more difficult for the children than it is for the parents. Unfortunately, more than 1.5 million children are affected by divorce each year. It can be hard for your children to come to terms with the fact that their parents are not going to be together anymore, but more importantly, adjusting to the different lifestyle can be stressful. To protect your children, here are 3 clauses that you can add to your divorce decree.

Non-Disparagement Clause to Prevent Ill Words from Being Spoken

It's easy for emotions to run high during a divorce. Even if your former spouse was once the apple of your eye, you might have a lot of ugly things to say about them when going through a divorce. Although you might be tempted to speak ill of your former spouse, it's definitely not a good idea to do it in front of the children. They don't want to be dragged into your emotions or your problems. To prevent your children from being affected, you can try to prevent both parties from speaking poorly of one another using a non-disparagement clause.

Moral Clause or No Cohabitation Clause to Prevent Exposure to Future Romantic Partners

It can be difficult for children to accept future romantic partners that both you and your partner might have. If you're dating, it might not be wise to expose your children to a fury of potential romantic partners until things become serious. To enforce this, include a moral clause or a no cohabitation clause in the divorce decree. A moral clause basically means that neither party can engage in romantic activities while having custody of the children. On the other hand, a no cohabitation clause simply means that future romantic partners cannot stay the night.

Confidentiality Clause to Prevent Rumors from Spreading

It's even more difficult for children to go through a divorce when there are rumors spreading among everyone they know. It's best to keep the details of the marriage and the divorce private. To ensure that both you and your former spouse will follow this agreement, include a confidentiality clause. The confidentiality clause basically prevents both parties from speaking about the marriage or the divorce to anyone that is not involved. This includes immediate family members and friends.


Although the divorce might be very difficult on you, it's probably even more difficult on your children. It's important that you try to protect them and shield them from the divorce as much as possible. The clauses mentioned above can help ensure that your children won't be subjected to a negative environment or awkward situations. For more information, contact companies like The Law Offices of Paul F. Moore II.