3 Types Of Pictures That Can Improve Your Car Accident Case

If you have been in a car accident, pictures can be vitally important for establishing what really happened and for proving your case for compensation to your insurance company or through the court system. Here are a few types of pictures that you are going to want to gather following a car accident.

#1 Establish The Scene

The first type of pictures that you are going to want to take are pictures that establish the scene of the accident. Simply looking at a map of the intersection or area where your accident took place is not as informative as pictures that can establish the scene. Pictures can allow one to see the weather conditions, road conditions and lighting conditions; it can create a much more complex narrative beyond what your words can provide.

To start with, you are going to want to take pictures from away from the location of the accident that allow one to survey the entire scene. These pictures should show any street signs that are present as well as stop-lights. If there are any obstacles in the road, such as a giant pothole, these should be captures as well. These pictures will help set the scene for what each driver experienced as they approached the impending accident.

#2 Car-Related Damage

The second type of pictures that you want to get should capture the physical damage that was sustained during the accident. If possible, these pictures should capture the damage on all vehicles involved in the accident. These pictures should be close-up and far away, in order to really establish the extend of the damage to all vehicles.

In addition, make sure any additional damage is captures. For example, if the glass was broken on a taillight, a picture of where the glass is located and a close-up of the glass should be taken. Or, if a piece of your vehicle, such as the bumper was torn off, that should be captured as well. Or, if either vehicle ran into anything, that should be captured well.

#3 Personal Damage

Finally, make sure that you document all of your injuries. Take pictures of what your injuries look like at the scene of the accident. Take pictures of what your injuries look like as you are getting medical treatment and take pictures of the medical treatment that you received. Also, make sure that take pictures of your injuries as they change. For example, a seat-belt bruise may not appear right away, and may become more evidence over time. 

For more information, contact companies like Randall A. Wolff & Associates, Ltd.