Heading Out-Of-Town? 4 Things You Need To Do If In A Car Accident While On Vacation

If you're planning a cross-country vacation, and you need to be prepared for unexpected problems, including car accidents. Accidents can happen anywhere, even when you're away from home. All car accidents are stressful, but out-of-town car accidents bring with them a new level of stress, especially if you're not prepared for the aftermath. Here are four things you'll need to do to avoid further complications:

Get the Police Report

If you're involved in a car accident while you're out-of-town, you need to get the police report. That report will provide you with all the information you'll need to process your claim. If the other party refuses to call the police at the scene of the accident, call 9-11. They'll dispatch a police officer to the scene of the accident. Once the police arrive, give them a full statement, and request their contact information, including the incident number for the accident. Before you leave town, stop by the police department and obtain a copy of the report.

Go to the Hospital

You need to seek medical attention after your accident, even if you don't feel injured. Go to the nearest emergency room and let them know that you've been involved in a car accident. They'll provide you with medical care, and determine if you have any injuries that you're not aware of. Be sure to let them know that you're from out-of-town. This will give them the opportunity to identify any medical issues that might prevent you from traveling home immediately. Be sure to ask for copies of your treatment information and release instructions.

Talk to Your Insurance Company

As soon as you can, you need to contact your insurance company. They'll want to take care of the damage to your car at the nearest repair shop, which won't be in your hometown. If possible, see if they can authorize temporary repairs, which will allow you to drive your vehicle home. Once home, you can have the rest of the repairs taken care of. If your car is not able to be driven at all, you'll need your insurance company to arrange a rental car for you. Once your car is repaired, you'll need to arrange transportation for you to go and pick it up.

Contact an Attorney

If you're involved in a car accident while you're out-of-town, you'll need to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will be able to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you're entitled to.

Check out a website like http://www.bjhmaldenlaw.com for more information and assistance.