Is Your Workers Compensation Claim Covering Everything?

The workers compensation is a big help for most workplace injury victims. Medical bills related to the injury are covered by the compensation system, and in most states, you're entitled to a percentage of your pay that should be viable for the economy. Unfortunately, some situations are less than ideal, and if the idea of dealing with workers compensation gives even the smallest urge to curb spending or tighten your household's economics, make sure you demand greater recovery assistance with the help of these compensation concepts.

Increasing Assistance Payout

Every state is different, but states such as South Carolina provide 66 2/3% of your average weekly wage (as listed in this FAQ under How Is The Compensation Rate Determined?).

This is to allow physical recovery without total financial suffering, and is often fine for many workers who are already above the poverty level. If you're already barely making ends meet or not able to pay your bills in the first place, any kind of reduction for any reason can be devastating.

No one has to take the partial pay rate if they can't afford it, but many workers fail to even ask for help because they think that the system's features are set in stone. Some states will put injured workers on the fast track for state benefits, such as food stamps or Housing and Urban Development (HUD) vouchers for utility payments.

Very few states provide a cash benefit for compensation increases, and the states that do may not provide the benefits every year.

Pushing For Advanced Compensation Outside Of Workers Comp

Workers compensation can't help you forever. In most states, you'll eventually reach a point where you'll be routed to a special, temporary version of social security disability or permanent disability. As long as you maintain your medical visits, you'll be approved faster as a part of workers compensation than people filing a social security with no government-supplied evidence.

Far before this point, you should be looking into other forms of compensation. If you've been getting treatment for the same condition(s) or complications of the condition(s) for more than a year, you have a justifiable reason to consider a personal injury lawsuit.

Long-term injury disabilities are only different from lifelong disabilities if you live long enough to see the problem go away, and a year is long enough to observe the situation. Instead of waiting, begin researching the cause of your injury, as well as stakeholders in the situation.

If your injury was caused by a specific equipment, what lead to the situation? If it was operator error, you may have a claim against a coworkers if you can prove negligence or malignancy and the ability to pay. An employer may be at fault as well if safety regulations weren't followed.

Vendor lawsuits have the best chance of you and your employer joining forces in a claim against a failed equipment provider, but this situation has the most specific burden of proof. As you consider the possibilities, contact a workers comp attorney to discuss your situations and to get a skilled, experienced team into the research and deployment of your legal rights.