Injured On Someone Else's Property? Follow These Dos And Don'ts

If you have been injured on someone else's property, there is a good chance that either the property owner or their insurance company can be held liable for your injuries and made to pay for the damages. However, in order to obtain this compensation, there are a few guidelines you should adhere to in the days following your injury.

Do: Seek medical care.

Even if your injury does not seem too terrible at first, make sure you seek medical care. Without the proper medical care, your injury may become worse -- and you may not receive compensation because it will be tough to separate the damage caused by the property and that caused by your own failure to get medical attention.

Do: Meet with a personal injury attorney.

In the ideal situation, you will file a claim with the property owner's insurance company, and the company will pay for your medical care and any associated loss. However, you would not be the first person to have your claim denied. If this happens, you will have to sue either the property owner or the insurance company to recover the money you are entitled to. It is easiest and most effective to work with a lawyer from the very beginning of the process.

Don't: Post on social media about the event.

Many people complicate their personal injury cases by posting on social media. Post a picture of yourself throwing a ball with your child, and the court may argue that you're not as injured as you claim, for example. It's best to just not post anything about the event or any pictures of yourself on social media until the entire process is over and you've received compensation for your injuries. Let your friends know not to post pictures of you, too. If they struggle to adhere to this guideline, you may just want to delete your page temporarily.

Don't: Accept an insurance settlement before running it past your lawyer.

If you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company, show it to your lawyer before accepting it. He or she can tell you whether it is a fair offer. If the amount does not cover all of your expenses, your lawyer can try negotiating with the insurance company or suing them for additional funds. If you accept the settlement or cash the check, you no longer have the option of negotiating the amount.

Contact a legal firm, like The Law Offices of Andrew Farmer PLLC, for more help.