Tips For Avoiding Common Pitfalls While Answering Questions At Your Worker's Compensation Case Deposition

If you are trying to get your worker's compensation case settled and a deposition has been scheduled, then these tips will help you avoid some common pitfalls people have when answering questions in this legal setting:

Tip: Ask to Meet with Your Worker's Compensation Attorney Before Your Deposition Date

Since your attorney has many other cases they are working on, it is always helpful if you schedule a pre-deposition appointment. This meeting brings your attorney up to date on your health and further familiarizes them with your case. In addition, the meeting gives the two of you time to go over your testimony and talk about what you should or should not say at the upcoming deposition.

Tip: Never Interrupt Another Speaker During a Deposition

When you are speaking at a deposition, there is always a court reporter recording the proceedings. The court reporter can only accurately record one speaker at a time. If you interrupt another speaker, then only one person's words will be on the official record and the original speaker may be asked to repeat themselves. To keep the deposition moving along, make it a point not to interrupt or talk over other people when they are speaking.

Tip: Never Give an Answer that is a Guess or Estimate

When you are asked questions to which you don't know the exact answer, you should simply answer that you do not know the answer to the question and don't want to guess or estimate. For example, if you were injured by falling down a wet flight of stairs, you may or may not know how much earlier the floor was mopped by the housekeeping staff. If you don't know the answer for sure, then it isn't for you to estimate or guess. If you do so, you may inadvertently give an answer that ends up hurting your case.

Tip: Don't Exaggerate Your Injuries

Whether you have obvious injuries like broken bones or less obvious injuries such as a back injury or mental health problem, it is vital that you never exaggerate when describing them during your deposition. When you are injured at work, it is perfectly legal for the worker's compensation insurance company to send out investigators to surveil you. If you claim your back "always hurts" and the investigator has photos of you mowing your lawn and cleaning out your rain gutters, then not only is your case at risk but you could also potentially be charged with fraud.

You can get more info by speaking with a workers compensation lawyer today.