What Can A Child Support Attorney Help You With?

If you are a non-custodial parent of one or more children, there is a good chance that you will have to pay child support at some point. If this is the case, or if you think it might be the case in the near future (such as if you have recently gone through a break-up or divorce with your child's other parent), then you might want to think about hiring a child support attorney. There are actually a number of different things that a child support attorney can help you with. These are a few examples.

Getting Child Support Set Up

First of all, if you have recently become a non-custodial parent, you might be a bit nervous about getting child support set up. You might not know much about the child support system, and you could be curious about what your next steps should be, how much you are going to be required to pay, how you are supposed to make your payments, and more.

Hiring a child support attorney in this situation is usually a good idea. Then, you will have a legal professional by your side who can explain everything to you. They can help you navigate the child support system when you're entering it for the first time, and they'll answer all of your questions. Plus, they will help you ensure that you aren't required to pay more in child support than what is fair under the law.

Having Child Support Adjusted

At some point, you may need to have your child support adjusted, such as if your life situation changes and you start making less money. Luckily, a child support attorney can help you with these adjustments.

Assisting With Noncompliance Issues

People find themselves in situations in which they have been non-compliant with their child support order all the time. It happens for many reasons. If you lost your job, for example, you might not have been able to make your full child support payments. If this happens, you may have to go to court, and you could face a lot of issues. Getting behind on child support can result in things like losing your passport, losing your driver's license, being arrested, and more, depending on the state that you're in and your specific situation. It's very important not to ignore these issues. If you are non-compliant with child support, it's important to reach out to a child support attorney as soon as you can.

For more information, contact a child support attorney near you.