There are a lot of words used in the courtroom that can make your head spin. How do you know if your divorce is contested or uncontested? If you've never been involved in a divorce, you may not be sure where your case falls between these two categories. So, what does it mean when your divorce is contested? These are a few things you need to know.
When Is an Uncontested Divorce?
The first thing you should know is that an uncontested divorce involves few conflicts. You may not be friends with your ex, but you are willing to work through mediation or accept the judge's declaration.
Both parties know that they want to go through with the divorce, and they mostly agree on the terms. You may have to work out a few hiccups regarding things like custody, for example, but you can go to court and get your divorce finalized very quickly.
When Is a Contested Divorce?
A divorce is contested with one party does not agree with the other regarding the terms of the dissolution. In these cases, your divorce might spend more time in court, and you may need to provide evidence to support your claims against your spouse.
For example, one party may file for a divorce and blame the other party as the cause of the divorce. For example, they might accuse the other party part of cheating. The accused party claims they did not cheat, so the divorce should not involve fault. Or perhaps you file for divorce but your spouse does not want to get divorced. They want to stay married, so they might contest the divorce.
How Long Can It Take for a Contested Divorce to Settle?
There is no specific timeline for these types of cases. When two parties cannot agree and the case must be worked out in court, it could take over a year for your divorce to be finalized. This really depends on how much of your case needs to be settled.
Family Lawyers Can Help You Through Divorce
One of the biggest projects on a family lawyer's plate involves determining how to move through your divorce. If your divorce has been contested, a professional can ensure that you have the resources you need to make a strong case in the courtroom. Consult with a family law attorney now to learn more about building a plan for the future.