As a bar or restaurant owner, you want to keep your business in good standing. And part of that means being able to serve alcohol. Making mistakes when serving beer, wine, or mixed drinks can cost you, so it pays to know what you can legally get away with and what you should avoid at all costs. Here are four things your bartenders should steer clear of to keep your liquor license in good standing.
- If you need help and representation following an on the job construction accident, you will need to do your best to hire a lawyer. In addition to hiring a lawyer, it is important that you understand the nature of your damages and the outlook of your case. This is especially important when dealing with something as significant as crane injuries, which can lead to significant damage or even death. To learn more about dealing with a crane injury case, read below and follow these tips.
- For some people, paying off a speeding ticket is the best route. For others, it could be worthwhile to challenge the ticket. If you received a speeding ticket, here is what you need to know. Should You Pay It? A speeding ticket could result in serious consequences for some drivers. For drivers with a poor driving record, it could mean a hike in insurance rates. It could potentially mean a suspension of driving privileges under some circumstances.
- Worker's comp is designed to cover lost time and medical bills when you get injured at work. This insurance is paid for by your employer to safeguard his business and to make sure you get the financial assistance you deserve if you are injured during the course of your workday. It will pay for your medical expenses and compensate you for lost work. However, in order to qualify for worker's comp benefits, you need to follow some rules.
- When choosing a personal injury lawyer to represent you after being injured in a car crash, it's a good idea to consult with a few prospects before deciding who should represent you. This will ensure that you work well with your attorney and that they have the time and inclination to focus on your best interests. Here are a few things to think about when choosing which potential legal representative to work with: